To learn more, visit 

Visit the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) site to learn more about creating a Certified Wildlife Habitat. There is a small application fee that will help the NWF in its efforts to protect wildlife and habitats. You will receive a certificate and have an opportunity to buy a sign or plaque to display in your habitat.

Creating a bird-friendly habitat requires four elements – food, water, shelter, and a place to raise young.

  1. Food

    • You can attract a greater number and variety of birds by offering a consistent, reliable supplemental food source in the form of a bird feeder filled with a quality seed blend. Creating a bird feeding station with a variety of foods and various bird feeders will bring you many hours of bird watching to enjoy. Visit us at the store to learn more about the variety of bird food available at WBU.
  2. Water

    • Water can attract as many birds to your yard or patio as food. Often, you will attract birds that do not normally visit your bird feeders. Come visit us to about the variety of ways you can offer water in your wildlife-friendly habitat.
  3. Cover

    • Birds need protective cover for times of rest, social interaction, and a retreat from foul weather and predators. Landscaping for the ideal wildlife habitat should include native plants ranging in size and density.

  4. A Place to Raise Young

    • The same native plants that provide food and shelter can provide safe areas for many species of wildlife to mate, build nests and raise their families. But, with the increased loss of natural habitat, many cavity-nesting birds are having trouble finding homes. By providing birdhouses, you will encourage birds to raise their young in your yard.
  5. Sustainable Practices

    • The idea of a flawless lawn may be a thing of the past. A few weeds and insects are a small price to pay for better health for people and the environment. Try a few simple organic lawn and landscaping practices:

      • using corn gluten as a pre-emergent weed control in the spring and late summer
      • spray plants infested with aphids with a little dish soap diluted in water
      • spot spray dandelions with vinegar, be careful, this will also kill grass

The Certified Bird Feeding Specialists at Wild Birds Unlimited of East Dallas are ready to help you get started turning your yard into a Certified Wildlife Habitat.

Another site that has additional compelling reasons to aid the birds is


Create a Bird-Friendly Habitat

In this episode, learn how you can add the five elements of a bird-friendly habitat to your own backyard. Wild Birds Unlimited is proud to be the Champion for the National Wildlife Federation Certified Wildlife Habitat program, whose goal is to inspire everyone to create a haven for wildlife in their yard. 

Click here to listen to this episode.

Bring Your Garden to Life with Native Plants!  

Search for the best plants to create your Wildlife Habitat:  Native Plant Finder.


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